Record Retrieval Services
Our record retrieval services department obtains medical records, business records, and payroll and personnel records by deposition on written questions or by authorization. We obtain, by authorization, legal records from state and federal agencies such as the Department of Workers Compensation or Social Security Administration. We also obtain certified copies of police records.
Whether you need medical records retrieval, x-rays, business records, personnel files, payroll records, or police records, LORR understands how to work with records custodians for attorneys and how to negotiate the bureaucratic maze of dealing with state and federal agencies, like the Social Security Administration.
Fill out our order form and fax it, along with any authorizations, to your local LORR office or your LORR representative, or e-mail us the information outlined in our order form.
Within twenty-four hours of receiving your order, we send a request by authorization to the records custodian or, in the case of deposition on written questions, send out the notice of intention. For DWQ requests, we contact the opposing counsel within three days to seek waiver of the twenty-day waiting period, and, if all parties agree to waive the waiting period, we begin gathering records immediately.
From there, our record retrieval services department works aggressively to ensure that records are produced timely and that all protocols are followed. We’ll follow up with slow-moving custodians and keep you informed with status reports beginning twenty to thirty days after your order is placed.
Records are delivered bound, bates-labeled, with DWQ completed and affidavits signed and notarized. DWQ records are accompanied by a sealed court copy. Digital records are delivered by e-mail or on CD, or we can house your digital records with Filebound, a document management system that allows you access 24/7 via the internet.
For more information on record retrieval services, refer to the following.
Paul A. Drummond, Attorney, AT&T Legal
"LORR helped Lisa and me in the case we just tried in Georgetown. We got them involved on pretty short notice and they really jumped in with both feet LORR had all of our exhibits and demonstratives on a laptop that we displayed on a screen for the jury. They were very fast about throwing up new exhibits, enlarging and highlighting parts of documents, playing video clips from depos, etc. Basically, LORR handled all of the AV/technical stuff so that we didn’t have to. I was greatly impressed with LORR."